Ending an Era……..

What makes this picture great, other than the fact that I am not in it, is that it is of Scotty playing his last service as the music leader at St. Patrick’s.  He leaves for boot camp in just 15 days and although we are proud of him, it will be difficult to not see him sitting there and listening to him play.  He is a fine musician, and it has been both a blessing and delight to be able to work with him.  Ironically, as late as just a couple of years ago, music was his career of choice…..now it is defending our country.

He even played a song he wrote after Communion.  It was great.  He then came to St. Anne’s to say farewell there too, and played it again.  And next Sunday he will play with George Blair at St. Matthew’s Nashville for a farewell there, hosted by the great people done there who are served by a fine priest…..the Reverend Fr. Dan Conley (Sgt. Conley USMC Vietnam Vet).  He and Scotty are pretty tight, and Danny has helped Scotty with look at this with eyes wide open.

So the times are changing….yet again.  We are so blessed to be living in them, especially me…I have a really great son who I both love and am proud of.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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