The Early Bird Catches the Make-up……..

I have decided to post this early.  Although I can write it and schedule the posting of it on the blog site, I have to do that in “real time” on Facebook, so I might as well do it now.

I am still at the hotel and I have gotten a TON of work done, but I need to now admit that I am quite lonely.  Amanda stopped by on her lunch hour and as she had a presentation to make this afternoon, she asked me to head out to the parking garage and get her “make-up bag.”  I did a couple of hours ago, and here we still sit together.

No, it is certainly not the first (or the last) embarrassing thing I have carried through a public place for her.  And yes, I am certain that no one looked at me and wondered, “do you think that is HIS make-up bag?”  In fact I am sure they thought, “this guy must be in big trouble with his wife to walk through a busy hotel with her make-up.”  But I really don’t care.  I am kind of fond of her and I like to help, so I did it anyway.

But it is just sitting here and with the time (it is about 4pm here), I am sure she is not coming to get it.  And that is too bad too, because her here at lunch was a great surprise and seeing her again would have been awesome.  I did let her know it was here and it was just a quick elevator ride away, but it appears to have not been enough.  The next time I will have it with a hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge and it will be sure to merit a visit.

So now I just wait.  I think there’s just about an hour left for her, and I am pretty sure time, as it often does in times like these, it will stand still.

But as for me….I am just thankful it is not 2!

God Bless you my friends!


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