A Double Post…….

I know, I know…….I missed another blog entry, and although this has been a constant daily discipline for me, yesterday I really did miss for good reason.  And in truth every time I have ever missed it has been for good reason.  My hiatus has caused a lot of stir and speculation, so let me say this……it was about Amanda and me, period.  Not our kids, our jobs, our relatives, or our pets…..just us.  And we BOTH took the time to work it out.  People should really be more supportive and not gossipy.

But this weekend has been all bout being supportive.  Yesterday was Scotty’s Open House before heading to boot camp, and it was filled with some very amazing people……including a few other Marine recruits….one whom Scotty is with right now because he leaves tomorrow.  All of these young men are men of honor.  I am glad to call one of them my son.

It was a blast too.  We had a lot of food, we had a lot of great friends, and we had a lot of fun.  It was from 5-9 (supposedly) but at 1in the morning I was still up. This would have been fine had it been a Friday, but it was not.  We were leaving for our Church in Nashville between 6-7 AM.  And there was just not enough time.

But we did make it……in two cars.  And St. Matthew’s (Scotty’s last parish visit) had a cookout for him as well.  Fr. Dan and Scotty are pretty close.  PT and Danny really stepped in to help be role models for him.  And Danny (Sgt. Dan Conley USMC) presented Scotty with his Eagle Globe and Anchors that he wore not only though his service in the States, but during all his time in Vietnam, including the Tet Offensive.  It was an emotional time and it was an inspirational time.  Scotty will wear those proudly when he returns from boot camp.  To me, they are BOTH heroes

And tonight’s pictures are from this afternoon.  My favorite is the one of Amanda, Scott, and I…..but her’s is the other because I am smiling. What I can say, is that she brightens every picture to me, so I like her’s best.  But the cool part is to be with our son at a celebration of the sacrifice he is intending to make for our country!  We could not be any prouder.  And tonight, we wanted to share these pictures with you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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