Getting back on the horse…….

I could tell you I had amnesia, or I have been hospitalized for the past week or so, but in all honesty those things would be a lie.  Amanda did encourage me to begin writing my blog again and I did last night, but she was kind of uncomfortable with what I had written.  I certainly understand that, and I respect her opinion.  I still have the entry written, I will just save it for another time.

But what has happened to me is significant.  It has forced me to really reexamine my life, and my priorities.  To say that it has not been a struggle would also be untrue.  Yet I should confess that I am in a far better place than I was a few weeks ago.

I have had a lot of people contact me too.  They all have had concerns for me and my family, and many reminded me of how I should not be surprised that people wonder and speculate (so far EVERYONE has been wrong) about what has been happening.  I had shared my concern over that, and have come to realize that it should have been an expected by-product from regular readers of my blog.  My blog has been all about me and my life since the stroke, and people really have a glimpse into my life.  My hiatus was probably like the end of the year soap opera cliff hanger.  It was not intended to be, but I probably really did not have a way around it other than to work through the pain.  I chose to take a step back instead.

What I can say is that tomorrow Amanda and I will be celebrating our anniversary (the poor girl) and we have a lot to do.  I am looking forward to it too.  I will type more about she and I tomorrow, but for now let me say that I wanted to just let her know in the morning when she gets up, that I climbed back onto the proverbial (blog) horse.  That will bless her I know.

So this is to say, I am still here and most probably back.  Nope, nothing sarcastic or funny to say tonight…….just a heart full of thankfulness.  I am thankful for my family and for people who care…….and I am surrounded by them on every side.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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