As close as we get to Personal Royalty………

Well, just as I did for St. Patrick’s Day, I will take a “minor break”in my series of “Priests Who Have Formed Me,” but only because the last one I want to write about I no longer have a picture of.  I do intend to fire his family a note tonight though, and I hope to have one then to use tomorrow or within these next few days.

SO……let me classify “minor break” then as a day just like everyday where I hang out with a minor. And today we did something that I am sharing in tonight’s picture as I was never intending on posting this as I took it for Stephanie……she received late this afternoon via text.  And it is a picture of her little brother, okay her “littlest” brother (sorry Scotty) watching her old favorite movie “The Lion King.” Ben had made it up to the part with Scar and the hyenas before a few years back, but as I understand it many people have an aversion to Jeremy Irons, so he never saw the whole thing.  And he watched it with a bit of anxiety, knowing that there were parts he used to be scared by, but I stopped the DVD after the part that used to scare him and he was quite pleased the rest of the way.  He and Steph will now watch it together the next time they see each other.  So she too was quite pleased.

I suppose I can confess that I understand.  I was terrified by “Peter and the Wolf” when I was a little kid, and if I heard the music, I didn’t even feel safe outside.  It turned out okay though as I am no longer afraid of any kind of music and I have worked with a lot of carnivores as well.  But it is neat to see him like this movie as it came out in 1994, and Steph was just 3 then.  At 22 she still loves it and has been waiting for Ben to come along.  And that has, I am sure, something to do with addiction as Steph talked about The Lion King like Ben talks about Minecraft.  They will now share a common problem to use recovery language.

But it has been a great day.  I did have a grad school interview this afternoon and ask for your prayers about it.  Yes, I want them to accept me, but even with two other graduate degrees beyond university, nothing in a “shoe in” and like most of all the other sayings from my youth I really haven’t a clue what that means, other than it’s appropriate.

Anyway, I ended the day hauling my fat dog and out of shape self for a few miles tonight,  He is slowing down considerably….but we both needed it so we could stay home and whine and complain about it tomorrow.  And if my heart makes it through the night, I intend to do just that!

Good Night my friends and God Bless!


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