The last night in Indiana for Scotty…….

I cannot say it has been an easy day, but it has been an important one for sure.  This morning our family celebrated the Eucharist together, our last as a family before Scotty becomes a Marine.  It was very meaningful, and it was nice to have us all there.  And, since Amanda’s mom is here till after Thanksgiving, it made it all the more special.

This afternoon then we drove Scotty down to meet his Sargent, (actually he drove us, which is what the picture is of since he will not be driving anymore for quite some time) who then briefed him along with four others before driving them to, and checking them into, their hotel.  He was then ours to take to dinner.  We took two of the others with us too and had a great time.  And although we might be able to see him tomorrow after he swears in, tonight was most likely the last regular meal we will eat with him until he returns.  We took him back to his hotel, and he will be sequestered there until 4:30 tomorrow.  He will then head to where we will see him swear in.

So tomorrow we will see him early, and God willing be able to talk to him a little more.  He will then, along with all the others, head through a gauntlet of parents, family, and well-wishers to a bus that will take him to the airport.  After that we will not see him until graduation.  It is hard, and it is scary, but it is a right and honorable choice, and we are proud of him.  I know he will do fine.

But please pray for him and for us.  Tomorrow morning is our reality, and when he lands at boot camp and steps onto his set of yellow foot prints tomorrow night, that will be his.  We thank God for his commitment and we thank God most of all this day for him.  And we know he will return to us a United States Marine.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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