The Best of the Batch…….

On this, what would have been my sister Sarah’s 48th birthday, I have decided to post about Cookie, one of the first show dogs we produced.  My sister was an animal lover, so I know she would be quite pleased, PLUS this dog’s name is “Angelcreek’s the Best of the Batch,” and her call name is “Cookie.”

Cookie has lived a spectacular life too.  She was the pick of the litter from our first litter, and one of Steph’s primary dogs to show.  She was in a lot of shows with Steph, and even spent time as a science project for a preschool that she visited each week so they could learn about puppies and see how they grow.  She had a pretty sweet life.

Before we moved to our current home, we set aside dog shows and breeding and then placed 4 of our 5 show dogs into good homes…..Cookie was one of those placed dogs.  She has lived in Indiana, and California, and she is now on her way to live in North Carolina…..all with her new owners who also happen to be good friends.  Cookie is now known as “Ralphie,” and has another dog to play with all the time.  And soon, there will be a baby in the home as well….the new home in North Carolina that is.

But today Ben and I were able to deliver the port-a-crib we bought them (a shower gift) to their parents home where they had stopped for a visit on their cross country move.  It was great to see them, as it was great to see Cookie too.  She is one of the best dogs we have ever had, and it was a blessing to see her.

Yep, my sister would have been 48 today, and no doubt I would have rather harassed her.  But as it is I will need to wait awhile for that……so in the meantime, a post about my old friend Cookie will have to do!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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