The call…….

Tonight at dinner we received “the call.”  It was to Amanda’s cell phone, a total error to what we had agreed to, yet it was a call we were glad to receive.  Amanda took the call.

It basically said, “This is Recruit Tirman.  I have arrived safely in San Diego.  The next time time you will hear form me will be two weeks in a letter.  I love you.  Good-bye.”  Amanda has said there was a bit more to it, but she was so shocked she cannot remember all the details.

I could not listen in, and it was over almost before it started, yet it was a great relief to receive.  Scotty is there, as we knew he was.  He is beyond standing in the yellow footprints.  And everyone of the guys in tonight’s picture has made this call.  They all meet THEIR Drill Instructor on Friday (Black Friday…the hardest day of a Marine’s boot camp), and Amanda is asking for volunteers to pray for Scotty (and for his platoon…and particularly for his friends he arrived with) from midnight PST Thursday for 24 hour THROUGH FRIDAY.  Email her for a shift @

We are happy to know he is there and safe and probably SCARED out of his mind!!  Yet, Scotty is not an ordinary man…..he is on his way to being a United States Marine.  And he will make it.  We will watch him march on December 21st in San Diego, 9 full days after becoming a Marine.  He is our hero.  He is our son.  We are proud of him, and we ask your prayers for him and for all who put themselves in harm’s way on our behalf!

Thanks so much!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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