Living into the Changes…….

My life is far different than it was just a couple of months ago.  Stephanie is back at college, Scotty is at boot camp, Ben is in kindergarten, and my mother-in-law (yes, we get along and it is a good thing!) is here till just after Thanksgiving.  It is just a much different life than I was living.

And a real blessing in this is that it has really drawn Amanda and I closer, rather than having the stress come down on us and make things difficult.  It, in ways, has really revived us and put some new life into our sails.  It is really a gift from God, in that it would be a lot harder to have such changes without being there for each other like we are.  It is really pretty wonderful, and for it I am thankful.
So tonight the four of us remaining residents, went to the movies together…..”Hotel Transylvania,” and had a blast.  They all ate popcorn and candy while I had a diet coke.  Oh sure, I snuck abut 10 pieces of popcorn over the course of the movie, but I am holding my course.  I am down just shy of 40 pounds since September 1st.  (Don’t kid yourself, I am still thinking about the popcorn)  But despite the suffering, I enjoyed it.  It’s a blast to hang out and be happy.
So anyway, there is nothing funny or odd to write about tonight…..just a good day.  An exciting day for me, a boring entry to post.  But I will take it.
Occasionally you just need a few victories.  Today was one for me…..and for it I am so very thankful.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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