Thoughts and questions on blogging….

Amanda and I have been going around about the life-changes we have been experiencing and much of what we both do.  The subject came up about this….my blog.  Her preference is that I continue.  She lives many of the posts I write, yet she enjoys reading them.  She knows how every helpful they are to me in terms of writing them, yet she also knows the time restraints of my life.  I was leaning toward perhaps suspending things…..particularly as I have been sporadically posting.  She however wants me to continue the regular posts…..after all, I went over 4 straight years without missing till just recently.

But in all honesty, I am conflicted.  I focused myself on post stroke therapy, yet I am really not in need of that any longer.   Yet I seem to come at it (as my wife seems to point out) ONLY from my perspective.  It really does appear that people like to hear what is happening and that many people DO follow along.

If the truth be known however, I have really thrown all my extra time into my relationship with my wife.  I felt I needed to, and I have absolutely no regrets about that.  And with that and all the other stuff I do, it seems as if the end of the day has no time left to write.  Yes, I used to write and come to bed AFTER she was asleep.  And it was really a poor witness to how I feel about her.  I do not do that any longer.

I suppose I could write in the morning, or figure other models out.  I guess I cannot get my mind around the fact that people are really interested in what I write, after all, that was never the intention.

But this is to say, I ask that you pray for me and help me develop clarity on this issue.  Send me a note if you would like and tell me what you think too.  I am really interested in your opinions.  Because if I am writing just for myself, it is easier for me to stop writing and just jabber to myself.   But if you really do want to hear, I will continue on.  Deep down I really do enjoy it.  I just want to be a good steward of everyone’s time….including mine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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