Dodge Tree……..

The car in the picture is Scotty’s…..which is for sale.  The dog in the picture is Scotty’s also, but he is staying put.  The trees that you see just over the hood is one I pruned on Saturday.  And the bottom three limbs came down with my chain saw.  The sad part is that the dog ran UNDER the one facing the car as it was coming down.  It was all like slow motion.  But happily I can confess that he was just hit and bruised on the right paw.  How that thing came down all around him was really like a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Of course I was delighted he was alive, though upset he was limping.  I thought about the letter I would send…..”Scotty, things are going well here, but oh, your dog is dead, I hit him with a tree.”  No, that would not be good.  And I already feel badly enough that he (Scotty) is gone.

And now a few days later, Viper seems fine, the tree looks marvelous, and I am relieved.  Of course I still have the car.  Someone asked if I wanted to trade it for a hot tub or an older van. Nope, I do not need that!   Others have said they would be here with cash.  But none of it seems true.

The best part however is that Viper is here and alive and no longer limping!  And Scott will return a Marine, quite capable of killing any of us, but will have no reason.  Praise God!  It looks like this is ending a good day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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