Techno savvy…….

Well, I am in Akron and in a hotel, and although it is great to be among great friends (no, they are not all here with me at the hotel) my thoughts are focused on home.  I was able to speak with Ben tonight on my way here, but only from the cars.  He goes to bed so early that speaking to him after I arrived and had been through my meeting here was impossible, impossible that is because HE becomes impossible the next day without the right amounts of sleep.

I did get to do our daily renewal of vows (with Amanda, don’t worry she is my wife) after I returned to my hotel.  We were able to do it via Skpe, which was nice, but I always worry that her being able to see me in the light might just spoil it for her!  She always looks great, and that seems to be amplified whenever I am away from home.  What I can say though is thank God for technology! (when it works) We were not only able to renew our vows, but via her IPad, I was able to see the progress she and her mom made on Scotty’s room AND she took it in to show me Ben sleeping.

Now that is where things kind of fell apart, and although I would like to blame it on the technology, I am pretty sure it was me.  For as she was showing me sleeping I said something like “how cute” or something like that.  But this was no picture, it was live!  So all the sudden I was hearing “go back to sleep, it’s okay, go back to sleep.”  I believe (read into this HOPE) he did.

After all, he can be impossible when he doesn’t get the right amounts of sleep.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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