What I am Learning……

Well I am here for my last night in Akron and it has been a productive day.  I have heard from a ton of people who regularly read this blog, and the overwhelming consensus it to continue it and do so daily.  Cutting back will require a pretty amazing strategy, like posting pictures from the meeting I am attending, but I have decided to post a cool one instead.

What I am learning reminds me of the end of one of my favorite movies, “It’s a Wonderful Life” (the B&W version, not the color one).  Jimmy Stewart takes a hard look at his life and discovers the joy and wonder in it was not found exactly in the places he was looking.  It has surprised me at how many people connect with me and my life via this blog.  It really honors me in a most humble way.  It really is not a detailed account of my life by any means, yet people seem to know me from it.  I suppose in a way they do.  It just reminded me of how much joy I get from living my life, and how perhaps I need to re-read what I write in order to pick up more of that joy for myself.

I can’t promise for certain I will blog daily, but then again I never have.  I just did.  But I come at it now with a renewed sense of purpose and desire.   There is enough stress and tension in this life to last us all a lifetime.  But almost everyday something cool or wonderful happens to me, or I think of something, and I really DO feel committed to share.

So tonight’s picture is NOT of my meeting, but a gratuitous picture of my wonderful family on my anniversary.  It IS a wonderful life……and I am truly blessed to be living it!

Goodnight my faithful friends and God Bless!


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