There’s no place like home……

Holy Smokes!  I am SO VERY THANKFUL to be HOME!!!  And I drove through a monsoon to get here!  The drive however was pretty good and full of lots of singing and good conversation (with myself).  I had a good and productive time in Akron, but as Dorothy says, “There’s no place like home.”

But it is not that there is nothing to do here.  The Bishop, who I just left in Akron, will also head this way tomorrow where all our clergy are converging (to our house) for a informal get together before he ordains and Confirms and hears the vows of yet another Brother on Sunday.  So it was a “Hi honey, I love you, welcome home, let’s hurry and go to the store” kind of night.  Not ideal, but did I not mention it is HOME and I am delighted to be here.

And oh yeah, in my INFINITE BRILLIANCE I also scheduled a “Blessing of the Pets” tomorrow morning in Muncie from 9am till noon.  Yep, I am on it for sure!  If only I could fill up the afternoon before everyone arrives with heart surgery or something like that.

But the bottom line is that I came home to what family still lives here and it has been a real blessing.  I will sleep on Sunday afternoon and take Monday to catch up.  But right now it is go go go!  But at home, it makes these types of times not all that bad at all.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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