The Visit……

What a marvelous day!  Bishop Roger was here for his Visitation, and we were able to see him Confirm two, receive the Novitiate vows of one, and ordain one to the diaconate and another to the priesthood.  It was kind of a busy day!!

But I have to confess, I was really relieved to get to my bed (which I did not sleep in last night as I bunked with Ben and my mother–in-law bunked with Amanda).  And I actually got just shy of a 2 hour nap!!!  It was WAY TOO SHORT, but the good news is that I am back here now typing!  Sleep WILL come soon, and I will need a ton of it!!  With being in Akron last week and the very quick turn around, it is going to be a blessing.

Sadly however, with all the chaos and all the people staying here, I did not have my phone to take pictures, nor has anyone sent any to me or posted any I can mooch!!  So tonight’s picture is just one of the Bishop last week!!!   The bad news is that it has nothing to do with today.  The good news is that it is really him.  And he is not just our Bishop, but he is also my friend.  It was a real blessing to have him here with us today!

But for now I am heading to bed.  Ben is in his bed and Amanda is far less wiggly!  I think I will actually get some rest….Lord knows, we all need it!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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