Rocks of Ages……

Yep, these are Ben’s rocks.  They will be joining all of his other rocks too.  He actually comes home with them in his pocket.  Where he gets them we do not know.  Of course my mind often goes to all the articles I read about people who have had strange, life-long habits, but this life-long habit is more than an anomaly……he is truly all boy.

Of this course it means that hoarding rocks is just one of many things he does to claim his identity with us men.  He is a crime fighter, although rarely ever the same one.  He thinks he will be a Marine, and likes everything about his brother.  He is in love with his mom and his big sister, and though most boys have that adversarial relationship with sisters, Ben would instead defend her to the end.  Even at 5 he sees himself as every one’s champion.

With that comes a variety of superhero sounds, none of which make much sense to anyone but him.  But who cares?  I figure a kid who goes to school each day and collects rocks as diligently as he does must have some sort of plan.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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