A Day of Service, but who could blame him?

Today I took the day to spend with my wife and many of her coworkers at their “Day of Service.”  People from all across her company are encouraged to go and take part in a community service project somewhere for the day, or at least for a half a day.

So today we went and painted at an animal shelter…..one for both dogs and cats.  And it was truly great to see all of the animals and to talk to them and to be doing something that really made coming to adopt one of them a more pleasant experience.  The fences around their enclosures were in need of a lot of paint, as was the roof on the porch of the office.  It took a long time, but it looked good, and certainly made a difference.  The people my wife works with were wonderful and overall it was a lot of fun.

But the picture causes me to pause (or pause if you pardon me) because it was of a dog who was there with his owner to make a pick up.  He was clearly angry, although pretty cute despite all that, but the deeper meaning came to me as I realized just what his master was picking up.  You see, he was taking cremated remains of euthanized animals out of the cooler and putting them in his truck.  And although the dog probably didn’t know what his master was doing, it brought to mind to me that if he did, he should have been angry…..in fact we all should.

You see, I met a lot of great dogs and cats today, and I watched helplessly as many people came in to surrender pets as well.  And I am not naive enough to believe that many of those cremated pets were probably great animals as well.  It was both heart-breaking as well as offensive.  I just wish it could be different, because it should be.

As a former breeder of Golden Retrievers, let me say that if you have a pet and you are not a professional breeder or show your dogs, you should have them spayed or neutered.  AND, if you feel the need to surrender your pet, please do not place him in a shelter, but try and find him a home…..in fact make sure you do.  These animals are scared, and rightly so.  Many do not find homes and end up on that truck.  It just should not happen.  We placed a LOT of pups, but we also made sure that people knew we would ALWAYS take them back with no questions asked.  We never had to, and we thank God for that.

But consider adopting a dog or a cat.  Or consider volunteering or donating to your local shelter.  It is a decision you will not regret.

And as for my growling friend, I have a great deal of admiration for him (or her…I wasn’t going to get any closer).  I am just thankful on this night that he or she is probably home after that terrible job, and now sleeping at the foot of a bed in a loving home.  (Viper is asleep with Ben and Puddy has helped me write this)

God created ALL living things….let’s take care of them.  If you send me a note I can tell you a couple of places that you can find that companion you have always wanted!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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