Our Little Monster……..

No, this post is not going to be about Lady GaGa, and I will confess that I have not even heard her sing.  She would be pretty easy to pick out in a crowd I suppose, but then so are a lot of us…particularly our son Ben.

Tonight he was able to hold court, and by holding court I mean Skpe with his sister and all her friends at college.  It is really always more of a show or a performance that it ever is than a conversation with him, and he never disappoints.  He did not sing the famous “Bulldogs get your paws up,” which is apparently the Lapel Elementary Fight Song, but he did manage a song about the months of the year.  And he did it without any wild costumes or even a microphone.   (Although there WAS a costume for some of the “non-singing” parts of his show.

I always get joy watching them chat, but I also took great comfort in the evidence that he will probably never get caught up in the desire many young people have to be famous in the world of reality TV.  He has what I affectionately call “CD” or “camera dysfunction,” of which there is no cure.  You see, when he wants to make a point, whether it is showing her something or talking, he gets right up to her face.  The camera is filming (poorly) usually his forehead, and he is generally all put off at why Steph is getting is wrong.  So, if he ever does make it anywhere, he will most probably be the first voted off the island, and we have no problem with that…..none whatsoever.

But tonight’s picture is of our little monster showing off his fangs.  Yes, they are fake.  Tirman, in the native German tongue means “animal man,” which puts us really more in the Canis Genus rather than the Desodus Genus….but I scientifically regress.  He just doesn’t howl (much) and there is really no good way to catch that in a picture anyhow. So this will need to do.

And with that, I am off to bed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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