Of Sculptures and Missionaries…….

Well I generally do not have “suggestions” for this blog, but today my wife ran across a guy at a craft show that carved stuff out of driftwood.  This particular creation was made of driftwood and was of St. Michael the Archangel, and this artist was selling this particular piece for $3000 in order to raise money for him to go do missionary work in Africa.

Of course I am a guy without $3000, but in all honesty I support his efforts.  Plus that, I am not too sure where I would put a wood sculpture of St. Michael, even in one of our Churches…..Amanda said it was huge!!

But I do admire how different people work hard to fulfill God’s call.  AND, I do admire people with artistic talent…..particularly as I have none.  This piece was truly not what I would be drawn to, as I am really more classically influenced, but I do believe that there really is a niche for everyone.  And somebody will look at this and see it as exactly what they are looking for.

As for me, I am quite comfortable in telling you about it, but even more comforted in the fact that it is not coming home.   I do pray this missionary gets to Africa, and I pray that it is funded primarily by this piece.  But it is not my thing……..in fact, I am just the messenger.  And I am just helping him, and doing a favor for my wife.  You see, I do love her, and I do know her…..and if the message was to buy this, I am sure it would already be in our living room.  So in the absence of that, I just needed to share!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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