Not So Fast……

Yes, today for a lot of different reasons, Amanda and I decided to share in a “fast,” but in true homonym fashion, when you make it a point to fast you find that there is really nothing fast about it at all.  Yet we both felt that today it was an important discipline, and we have both kept it well.

On a personal note, fasting is something that helps keep me focused, and although today has been a brutal one, work-wise, I have made tons of progress in terms of getting things done.

But I generally do not tell people when I fast, as it is a highly personal spiritual discipline in my mind, plus I am always reminded of the words of Our Blessed Lord in Matthew 6 about those who pray and fast that they may be seen…….in all honesty, it is not that pretty.

But I thought I might mention it tonight, seeing as Amanda is doing it also, and as an opportunity to ask for God’s blessings upon our ministry, our family, and our marriage.  I am not worried about any of the three currently, but I will say that it would really be nice to hear that others are praying for us.  AND, in addition to that, it would be nice to hear about we can pray for in terms of YOU!

Life just happens all around us and often we do not do enough to make it better.  Praying helps, fasting helps, walking in community helps, and being the people God calls us to be helps as well.

Consider joining us.  This life is going fast enough.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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