Of shots, leaves, and my memory……

I was supposed to pick up Ben from school today in order to go and get flu shots, but I forgot I had to meet a contractor at home.  We have a lot of leaves, ok that is not quite accurate, we have more leaves than anyone on the face of the earth, and they all love to congregate together…….in our gutters.

Of course our gutters are pretty high up, close to 500 ft in my estimation (as I do not climb the high ladder) and my gutter cleaner, as I have mentioned before, is hanging out with some of his closest friends in San Diego.  So I have been looking into gutter guards of some kind, and today I had a guy coming out to give an estimate.

Had I not already used Ben with his tongue sticking out, today would have been a great day to use it.  He was pretty stinking happy that we were not heading to get a shot. (he does fine and hardly even flinches) I think he is hoping and praying I forget.

But sadly for him, my mind is like a steel trap (hahahahaha….no it isn’t at all) but I do remember his shot!  We will do it tomorrow.

Doing it will give us the protection we need…..and, it will keep my mind out of the gutters.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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