He’s only a model……..

Yes, it is a staged picture.  Viper needs a cage like I need an ice cream cake.  He has no interest whatsoever in running away, and he sleeps so much in the yard that even the squirrels make fun of him.  But he did hustle into his old kennel where he and our four other former Goldens used to hang out.  He was doing it out of habit and nostalgia.  I was doing it because I needed a picture of the kennel to put on Craigslist.

So the picture is up there tonight.  It is a great kennel, used for only one season, and put aways for two. Our entire “herd” would hang out in it, and just having it assembled brings back lots of memories.  I often wonder if we will ever get into breeding and showing again, but if we do we can find a new kennel then.  For now however, this kennel can go.
I can say that seeing Viper in it was really pretty cool.  And I wondered if it brought back good memories for him as well.  We had some spectacular dogs, and we thank God for the time we had with them all.  They are all in excellent homes now but it was fun while it lasted.  Hopefully this kennel can go to someone who will not only get good use out of it, but enjoy it as a dog lover should.
Viper seemed a bit smaller and older in it, but I thank him for the memories.  The ad made it clear that he was not included with the kennel.  And thank God for that.   He is just a model.  He is there for his good looks.
And in all honesty…….he likes it that way.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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