Hanging with Steph…….

We have had a great day here in Missouri.  The annual LU Alumni game was this morning, and it is always great to get to see Steph play.  PLUS, now that she is a junior, we knew lots of the other players on both teams.  It was a great time, and we still have tomorrow too.

And Ben and Steph are so very tight.  Tonight’s picture is of Ben sitting in Steph’s section in their new locker room.  It is pretty sweet and very state of the art.  And Ben was more than ready to pose for the picture sitting in front of her jersey.

But the two of them have been at it most of the day, laughing and joking, and joking and laughing.  They ALWAYS sit by each other everywhere and are both full of smiles at every moment.  It is always so great to see, and my only regret is that I have been so hell bent on being important in my work, that I haven’t availed myself of every opportunity I have had to be here with all of them.  Amanda and Ben are well known here, yet I think many people may just think I am their driver.  I really am happy to chose the good portion and work to straighten out my image!

But since Ben has been a bit under the weather and on an antibiotic, Steph has spent tonight and last night at her house and Ben has been here.  He had originally negotiated a weekend “sleepover” but he needed a bit more rest than that.  Tomorrow we will start again and have a great last day….a last day that is until what we are calling “Fake Thanksgiving.”  Yes Steph will be home for that, and I think Kara will even be with her.  But Scotty will still be at boot camp and we will eat turkey without him.  That is why it will be fake.  We will all be together from December 20th and will have Christmas when we should and our real Thanksgiving a few days after….

Our kids are great and we love them.  It has been a blessed day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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