The Girls in my life…….

Yeah, I am home and hanging out with just one of them, my wife, but I do miss the opportunities I have to hang out with both of them because when I do my world is pretty dang wonderful.

This picture may end up being one of my all time favorites.  They on the other hand will both think I am insane, as it was taken in line for a hay ride just inside a big fortress (yes I said fortress) made of bales of straw.  But they are truly so very happy together, and when they do things there is always a lot of smiling and laughing……and that is contagious too.

Amanda even has a special “Stephanie” Pinterest section in which she saves stuff just to share with Steph.  They are pretty cool together, they both love me and Ben and Scott, and they really reflect the best of our family to others (that is also a reference to the fact that they live with me and Ben and Scott)

But tonight I miss Steph and cannot wait to see her again.  She DID, in the middle of Pumpkinland, as I mentioned she would, make reference to the Justin Bieber joke I made about her a few weeks ago.  We laughed it off.  (She really does not like JB.)  But I did give her $20 for that Bananarama Reunion album she and Amanda wanted for Christmas.  They are both such big fans…..and that is why we love them.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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