Having a decent time on a bad day……

Yes, this relaxing time at Kohls was right before Ben’s doctor appointment where he not only failed his hearing test (I actually do that all the time) but where we also received the news that his tonsils and his adenoids will be removed, but not to be just takers, they will install some tubes in his ear drums to make us feel better.

Of course this is not unexpected news…..although I was really pretty sure it would just all stop at tubes.  But what can you do?  It ALL really needs to be done, and therefore we will fore go Thanksgiving and have it done on the day before.  He will miss less school then, and Steph will be home as well.  And since we were not having our REAL family Thanksgiving until Scotty is home in December, we felt it will work out just fine.

And Amanda seemed to handle it well.  Of course we are no where near the surgery, but I am guaranteeing everyone that Ben will not be acting like he speaks Japanese after his tonsil surgery like Scotty did after having his wisdom teeth out.  I was not a witness to that, but Amanda said it was pretty dang funny.  My guess is that Amanda will need just as much care as Ben will.  He is kind of a mamma’s boy, and she is his princess (much to my chagrin).  But I am guessing the best way to handle this completely is to medicate BOTH of them!

But that is the story of our day.  I am sure it will all be fine.  But for now I will just look ahead, and I am doing so with a backache.  That’s right, there were only TWO CHAIRS, and I had the camera.  Poor me…….well, pour me something.  The day is done and I need just a little bit of medication!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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