Jumping around…….

Well the picture is of Friday it is at the Skyzone Indoor Trampoline Park.  And it is of Ben, Amanda, and one of his friends.  I took a bunch of pictures too.  This one however was the one that had the MOST STILLNESS in it.  It will have to do.

And of course it is from yesterday as I did not post yesterday.  But it has been a real challenge her to get anything done.  That picture was the last one I have of my wife upright.  She has been in bed pretty much ever since.  She felt bad earlier this week and then looked as if she was making some progress, but then WHAM….she was down for the count.

This normally does not have a real big impact on our family, other than to her.  I tend to just pick up things and cover both our shares.  Unfortunately I was already underwater with my work!  Thank God my mother in law is here because she is ALWAYS a big help.  Fortunately things are caught up and Amanda is in bed and getting the rest she needs.

I however will be out of town the entire day tomorrow.  I would ask your prayers for a couple of things….one, for my wife to get better.  She is miserable and it is Ben’s Fall Break….she is missing it.  Two, for the Church Father Dan and I will be at tomorrow that is in conflict and making some decisions tomorrow.  It is not one of our churches, but we originally planted it.  Pray for God’s Will to be done there.  Three, please pray for Tree of Life Anglican Fellowship in South Bend, where I will be tomorrow afternoon.  It is a new church and their pastor Heather Ghormley is doing a great job!  It is just a visit for me, but one I know that will give me life.  And lastly, pray for travel mercies for me as I will be traveling alone.  It is going to be a long day, but it hopefully will be a productive one.

You see I just jump around the state, they use trampolines.  Not me…..I am 51 years old and a lot smarter than I look.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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