
I have traveled over 300 miles today to two churches but I can say it was really wonderful to get home. Amanda is still sick, yet she and her mom said that Ben had been a little angel all day.  And tonight’s picture is of he and his Nanny making Halloween cookies together…pretty cool huh?

So of course, as he was so very proud of them, I tried one (they are not on my diet) and was able to then honestly tell him that it was the greatest cookie I had ever had.  It made him smile.  He wanted me to try one of his “ghost cookies” too, but he seemed well pleased when I declined as I told him I was “just too scared of them.”

But the good part is that I am HOME……did I mention that?  I am sorry for the short post too, but I am really very full from my one cookie, tired, and my back hurts.  It has been a long day….but there is no place like home.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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