The Good Stuff……

I have to confess, I really DO WANT to complain, but I won’t.  My life feels very invaded right now, and after committing to daily posts again after a rough patch in my life, it really bothers me to not get my daily posts made.

So here is a picture of the final parts of MONDAY…..a day I was supposed to be taking off.  The first part was taking my wife and son and mother-in-law to Shipshewana for the day in Amish County.  I had actually never been there, as growing up in the north there the Amish were just always around, particularly in Goshen where I spent TONS of time at my grandparents.  But I will say, it was really kind of fun.  We saw plenty of buggies, we were surrounded by lots of good food, and it was good to at least “attempt” to get away.

It was also kind of funny as we have nowhere to go up there any longer now that both my grandma and mom have passed away.  It seems odd to be a tourist in an area you consider home, but I suppose it is just a change I need to live with.  Amanda however seemed very worried about not getting to the cemetery.  I reminded her that we had plenty of time, in that both my grandparents and their stone would be there regardless of the time we arrived (incidentally, I was right).  And we finally did make it.

It was the most important part of my day too.  I have been there 1000 times, and many times with my grandfather when I was younger who would always tell me, “Someday you will be here without me, and it will be okay.”  I can still hear him saying it to me.  He wanted to make sure I came out there and he told me to make sure it was a happy place and to have my kids play there.  So Ben jumped off the stone onto his grave a few times laughing.  I am sure my grandpa was laughing in heaven.  They never met, but it was pretty cool.  Ben went to the other side and then wanted to jump on grandma’s grave too.  And I am sure she laughed at that too.  He remembers her very well.

I know they are not there, but being there is a place to remember…my grandpa made sure it was for me.  He was so very wise.  And in my life right now it was something I desperately needed.  Everything really is okay, and I know it…….I will not complain.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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