Spiderman and candy…….

Tonight was trick or treat night here in Edgewood, and we went out with Ben, oh wait excuse me……Spiderman.  Oh no it was not Spiderman until game time though.  We THOUGHT it would be a skeleton, and then we were told it would be a ninja.  But when I came down and was ready to leave, suddenly it was Spiderman.

So Spiderman and his Nanny, his mom, and his dog Viper went out for about an hour.  What amazed me more than how even more popular his dog was.  Viper apparently has a lot of fans here in our neighborhood.  He was identified by a lot of the other dog walkers and even people who see him walking by carrying his own leash.  And although he and I stayed at the ends of most of the drives, people often called to him or wanted him to come up and see him.  He is such a schmoozer.

But the whole thing was a lot of fun and we had a great time.  Amanda has been on antibiotics now for two days and was able to work.  She made the whole hour, but now has a migraine here at home.  She just cannot seem to catch a break.  We did however get her medicine in her sooner than we normally do and it seems to be making a difference.  With these headaches we often lose her for days!

So now I am typing and getting ready to post this.  Steph and her friends are waiting in Missouri to see the Spiderman picture and I have an ailing wife to attend to.  No, it’s not exactly all that I dreamed of, but in all honesty I have a pretty great life and a pretty wonderful family.  And at my age I need to be taking care of them as I can.

After all, it may have an impact on the type of facility they put me in, which may be but a heartbeat away!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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