But I didn’t miss Pumpkinland!!

Although I hate to admit it, I am just about half way done with all the stuff I had slated for Tuesday, and it is Thursday night as I type.  I really do hate being behind, and even more than that, I hate to admit it.  I informed my wife that I would not be able to help her as a room parent tomorrow for Ben’s “Monster Mash” at school.  Her mom will go along, so it is not really about the help, but I know it was something she and I wanted to do together.

The good news in all of this is that it should free up some time to be together over the weekend.  And I suppose if we think about it, the agenda then can be our own rather than having it be dictated by what the monsters at the Mash need to accomplish.  It does break my heart because I would love it, but you really cannot do it all……and I know because I often try.

On the up-side, Amanda is far better than she was yesterday and although she was very groggy and had a late start to her day from the meds she took for her migraine, the bottom line was that she made it all day!  And even though she has had these forever and been to countless doctors, the close to immediate dosing of her meds seems to be the ticket to a shorter recuperation.  Yes, we are learning!!!

So I will just chalk it up to another day behind me.  And yes I know, “chalk” and “slated” are outdated words, you know, like album, cassette, and 8-track.  But I use them nonetheless.

I may be a dinosaur, but this dinosaur is done for the day.  And no one could be happier about it than me!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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