The Monster Mash……..

Today was the “Monster Mash”at Lapel Elementary School, and Ben went in a monster costume made with love by his mom and his nanny…..neither one incidentally are monsters themselves.  And the costume, as you can see, was a hit.  It had horns, three eye balls, and sucky octopus thingys all over.  On the back were spikes and spots.  He was a total sight!

But he went to school and joined all the other monsters, as this apparently is a Lapel Elementary tradition.  We love where we live, particularly in that there is often not a lot going on….the big city it ain’t!  But that’s what made it so cool.  Because after our grill caught on fire (yep it did) and I put it out (yep, I did that too) with a fire extinguisher (now I need a new one) we had to go out for dinner.  But we met a young lady there who was picking up some food and when she saw the costume she asked Ben if he was a kindergarten student at Lapel Elementary.  How did she know?  She has had TWO monsters of her own…..and the youngest is now in 3rd grade there!

Ah yes, tradition.  Without it, where would we be?  And that is a big part of why I love living in Indiana, and small town Indiana especially!!  No we are not New York, but we really wouldn’t want to be.  Here people know one another, they chat with each other, and the life is much slower in terms of pace.

Yes, the Monster Mash is about as edgy as it gets here. Yet it is still way over the top for me.  Let’s remember I was born and raised in this great state……..and I am not all city-fied with monsters and things like the currently popular Zombie Apocalypse.  I like my life a lot more laid back.  Let’s remember that where I live rush hour is defined only by how many tractors are out on the road.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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