At Holiday……

Oh sure I know that most people may think I am referring to the popular phrase “on” holiday, but in the words of that old pharaoh in the movie “The Ten Commandments,” “so it is written, so it shall be done.!”  We were at Holiday!

Ben and I had a choice to make this afternoon.  We had a few choices too.  We could either go with his mom and nanny to a concert of choirs at Butler University (my Alma mater – Go BU!)  or we could stay home and selfishly watch the Bears play on TV.  But I imagined someone asking me this…..”How did the Bears play Sunday?”  To which I would have to answer, “Well I do not know because I decided to attend a show, by my own choice, of a variety of choirs singing.”  I know there is a beer commercial that talks abut turning in one’s “man card,” but there is really no such thing……kind of like seeing me at a choir concert when the words “hostage situation  are not involved.  I will GO SEE SOMEONE in such a show, but it is not on my bucket list for sure.

So the second choice was to drive them to the concert and then go visit my dad who lives about a mile from campus.  No, he is not a Bears fan, and yes he would have loved the choir concert as my brother and sister BOTH sang in some of those choirs (And yes, I WOULD go to see THEM because that would be enjoyable), but we never gave him the option.  Instead I asked if Ben could come and see him which he LOVES.  And Ben, remarkable as it seems, decided that the concert was not for him either as he wanted to go see his grandpa.

And I probably could have caught the game at his house, but grandpa wanted to go someplace…..Holiday Park!  And it was spectacular too.  It had about the largest playground of any I had seen and Ben was a nut on just about every piece of it. I decided to post tonight’s picture rather than any on a swing or slide or anything like that, because Lord knows I have posted tons of that.  Plus, Ben guessed that my dad was 100, so with that information I may not have him around long and need to post all the ones I can of him!

But the bottom line was that it was a lot of fun (for everyone but my sister Anna who was studying all afternoon!!).  It went by far too quick.

And the Bears ended up winning anyway……by 31 points!  Great day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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