POLL CAT……..Special post for Election Day.

Amanda and I went out at 6:00am to vote this morning.  Living in a small town, it was our first opportunity to vote here as there was nothing to vote for in our town or district last election.  But as we came into our polling place, this is who we found……a real live POLL CAT.

I have to admit, he was impressive.  He just laid there in the middle of the room like a pylon.  People had to walk to the left and the right of him to get in and out.  He mostly just slept, but he did allow me to pet him.

He got up and walked over to the people who worked there and he had a major limp.  Apparently his leg had been injured quite some time as there was no evidence of any trauma other than the limp.  What was surprising however was to learn that he did not belong there at all.  He actually was just a neighborhood cat who decided to come in and get warm and get some attention.  Perhaps he was a feline “election observer,” but he had no badge.

The most important thing however was to VOTE.  We did and you should too.  This election is an important one, and I urge you to take part.

This is perhaps the most important election of our lifetime.


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