A post of sorrow and joy, with a non-related picture too……..

I wish I could say that today was a good day, but that would be a stretch.  I was able to end it with Ben’s music program at Lapel Elementary School, but that was the highlight of the day.  Sadly, in the middle part my Uncle Phil passed away, and I was up with my Aunt and Cousins (capitalized intentionally…..they are my family)and gave him Last Rites.

No, tonight’s post is not about me, as I am okay in all of this.  After 25 years in this vocation, I am not shaken by death, as it is something I have seen a lot of.  Plus, I am quite confident of WHO God’s people are and WHERE they are going.  To priests, people enter Eternal Life, and with that there is joy and freedom from suffering (Uncle Phil had cancer).  But in reality, death is a departure from this life as well, and regardless of how you prepare, it can cause deep pain.  My prayers and concerns this night are for my Aunt and Cousins their families.  It is hard to see them in such pain, even when they know he no longer suffers.  And my heart bleeds for them as I loved him too.  I think they married when I was 10.
It always bewilders me at how hard death is, even when we expect it or prepare for it.  Yet here it signifies something really good……..a family who loved and loves him.
We do not yet know his arrangements, and I pray that they will have the strength and assurance to walk through these next few days.  And may his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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