Awaiting the answers….

Well like just about everyone else, I awaiting the results of the elections.  Amanda and I voted early and only ONCE….as it is the law here in Indiana.  After all, this is not Illinois!!  But it is just 7pm here and I will be up hopefully until the election is called.  I DO HOPE it is tonight.

Voting is very important to me, and somehow it seems even more important now that we have a son in the Marine Corps.  He is doing his part and we are doing ours.  And I am proud really of us all.

And today was a great day for me to get started on the flagpole too.  After I had done my work for the day I went out and disassembled all the lights that currently shine on our house.  The pole (a 30 footer) is to be set about 40 feet from there and I had to figure out the wiring.  Two lights will be on a timer on the house from dusk to about 11pm and another will illuminate the flags (a US and a USMC) from dusk to dawn.  The sad part is power runs to other parts of the yard, and it was going to be both a chore AND expensive to run it to the place Amanda said it should be placed.

BUT MY WIFE IS A GENIUS!!!  As I dug the 3’x3′ and 3′ deep square for the cement, guess what I ran into??  Yep, right in very MIDDLE of the dig was the underground conduit for the power.  It made my day….it really did!!

So now all we need it the pole and the sleeve to cement in (along with all the extras).  But doing it on election day was pretty cool.

I am proud to be an American.  I am proud to have a son who is ALMOST a US MARINE and I will even be more proud to hoist Old Glory and the USMC flag up in my yard, every soon, for all to see!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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