Family Homework…….

Tonight’s picture is of our family homework.  Ben brought home an assignment for all of us that was about “Tom Turkey” who needed to hide so he would not end up someone’s Thanksgiving dinner.  He needed a disguise and we were told to be creative.  SO……. Tom Turkey is pictured here in his DRESS BLUES as a UNITED STATES MARINE, just like Ben’s brother.  And it is Ben’s Thanksgiving tribute to Scotty for sure.  Scotty cannot see it, but we will show him in December when we see him.

And all this reminds me how very lucky I am to have a wife who is either desperate or severely challenged mentally.  I do not deserve a woman as talented or creative as she is, but holy crap, I am not complaining at all!  It was a great idea and I am glad she fought Ben away from his original idea, which was a ghost.  In all honesty, it is not just 5 year olds who are MORONS, it is pretty much ALL young Tirmans.  They all finish well, but the require A LOT of training.  (i.e. my brother Mike is now in law school).

But the whole thing reminds me of how very blessed I am…..because I am.  My life has made some MAJOR TURNS in these past few months and I am far the better for them.  I really see the Hand of God in them, because they all could be far more disastrous than the blessings I see them as for sure.  Sometimes the difference between winning and losing is just a hair, and this time I have won.  I am thankful for that.

And I will spend the rest of my life, every breath that I take, making sure I am doing all that I can… stay ahead.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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