Faux Rides………

Desperate times call for desperate measures, for sometimes he is a great helper, but sometimes he is not.  And this morning, while working on the wiring for the flagpole, Viper was just in the way.  He followed me everywhere, whenever I turned around he was there.  Yes, he seemed lonely, yes he seemed needy, and yes, I still had a job to do.

I had considered taking a break and running over to the Ricker’s and grabbing a diet soda so he could have a ride, but I really didn’t feel like I had the time.  So instead, I opened up my car door and let him inside on his seat (he rides “shotgun”) and there he sat……and sat, and sat and sat with the driver’s door open in the driveway.  He never got out and I never got in.
Two hours later, I told him his ride was done.  He got out of the car wagging his tail.  He was perfectly content, and so was I.
They say it’s a dog’s life……and I want to be as easily content as mine.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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