Enjoying God’s beautiful day…..from bed…….

Wow!  What a beautiful day!!  And it was so beautiful that I was a bit conflicted……do I go outside and enjoy it while working on my flagpole project (picture attached) or do I take a nap with my wife?  Don’t kid yourself, I didn’t think long……the nap was great too!

But it amazes me at how I watch Ben, and all little kids for all that matters, fight taking naps.  It really seems ridiculous at how brain damaged we are at that age.  To me, there is nothing like putting on some shorts and letting my head hit the pillow.  It refreshes me and rejuvenates me, and of all the things that the good Lord invented, I believe naps to be one of the more important ones.

It reminded me of when I was in seminary.  A lot of people used to comment at how I would faithfully spend a lot of time in the library.  If they just would have paid attention they would have noticed that it was only in the afternoons and only in the warmer months.  The library was air conditioned, and my dorm room wasn’t.  And although I never had a pillow, I want to confess that I never read a book in that same study carrel either.  I did get a lot of snooze time though, and it was WELL worth it!

So now I am up and refreshed and able to get a lot done.  It WAS a great day, and I enjoyed it.  Our occasional nap time is important to me, and I was very blessed to have it today!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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