Hanging in the hot tub pool…….

Yes, he calls it the “hot tub pool,” and yes, we were in it tonight as he has been bugging me to get it up and running.  It always has water in it, but I often forget to keep up with the chemicals.  But with a 5 year old at you for a week, you learn to remember real quick.

So tonight we were in it.  It is a lot smaller than the hot tub I had at our old house which would seat 8.  This seats only two, and is very nice, but when a 5 year old is IN a hot tub he never counts as 1 of the 2……it is more like 9.  So in essence, 10 of us were in our 2 person hot tub tonight for about an hour.

But in all honesty, it was fun.  I am down 50 pounds and I was not embarrassed to be in my swim suit.  My mother-in-law took the picture and it did not phase me at all.  It actually was good to be in it.  And Ben and I had fun.

One thing I did discover, AFTER she had left to go inside, was that when I went to go get some eucalyptus out of the chemical bin I saw that my suit was almost transparent.  It would have made a hell of a story in Amanda’s family, so I am glad I didn’t goof up all that publicly.  Instead I got to enjoy myself with Ben in the hot tub pool.

And incidentally, since it is just a 2 person, I told him that mommy, and Stephy, and Scotty all may want to be in there too over the next two months.

He let me know I could watch……as he would ALWAYS be 1 of the 2!  Go figure!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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