Kids Against Hunger…….

Today Amanda and I were able to take part in a program called “Kids Against Hunger.”  We gathered with a ton of other people at Lucas Oil Stadium (I understand it is where some sort of professional football team plays) and mixed these meals and boxed them for shipment.  Our shift packed over 180000 meals in just two hours…..and as I understand it, there were three shifts today.  Their website is  I encourage you to check them out!

But it also was a time to spend with my wife and some of her co-workers as they fulfilled some of their corporate service commitment today.  It is pretty impressive company in that it sees its global and community role as well.  Elanco is the Animal Health Division of Eli Lilly.

Now I want to be clear to all of you, I love my wife, but as I was there among all those women in hair nets, I was glad I didn’t have some type of “Lunch Lady desires.”  There were just too many of them.  And there were men there too from her group, and I would have included them in the prior joke if there were just something funny about men wearing hair nets…..but there isn’t.  I was just glad they were not Green Bay hats.

But the good news is that we had a great time and lots of people will be fed.  And if you didn’t take part today, please know you still can.  Get on their website and make a donation!  That’s right….they will actually take YOUR MONEY!  And I hope you give them some of it too.

And don’t complain…..after all, I am a MAN….and I spent the afternoon in a hairnet.  A bit of your cash is a much smaller sacrifice I assure you!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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