Hot Tub Pool – Part Deux…….

Yes, given the choice, our son Ben would rather go into the hot tub with his mom over me.  Now to show you the level of dedication this boy has to her, she doesn’t even like the hot tub, nor does she like the cold or all the splashing.  Yet tonight when I asked him who he had more fun with, he answered, “my mom, because she is pretty.”

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not disappointed that anyone might think I wasn’t pretty.  Some guys may get wrapped up in that, but in all honesty I could never be one of them.  Yet I cannot deny that my feelings didn’t get a little hurt.  Ben and I had a BLAST the other night in the hot tub, and he played rough and I played rough right back.  We were laughing and goofing off and probably dumping more water OUT than we ever should have.  Yet he bagged me for the girl, and what makes it even more humiliating is that it was for MY GIRL too.

But Amanda was a great sport.  He WAITED for her to get home from work to get in there with him.  He could have been in there after school with me, but no…..he wanted to do it with his mom.  And good for him…..AND FOR HER.  She was not enthused, but she did the right thing and made a memory for both of them.  She let me take six pictures, none of them revealing, and afterwards laughed the whole experience off.  And Ben was so very happy.  He loves us both, but most of his best times are the ones he spends with his mom.

That of course is all about to change…… see, she throws a football like a girl.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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