
Well I have been away from both Facebook and my blog because of some sort of “security issue” that Facebook identified.  They froze my account for over 2 days and had me looking for issues on my computer that clearly did not exist.  It put me WAY BEHIND…..but I am not bitter, NO STUPID FACEBOOK NO!

But tonight it all appears to be back up, and good thing too.  There are a lot of people who follow this blog (poor souls) and it has been missing.  For now however, it is BACK UP.  (Just like Notre Dame in the polls!) And everything in the world seems right.

As most regular readers will know, my mom and my grandma (her mom) died just weeks apart last year.  And yesterday, my Aunt Barb and Uncle Dave (my mom’s brother) along with my cousin Steve, came down for a visit and brought a box of PICTURES for me….some to copy and some to keep.

And as Amanda and I went through the pictures, all the memories of my life began flooding back.  No pictures of me existed between the ages of 10-22 except at my grandma’s, and many were in this box.  It was pretty cool.

And then today, I went to Nashville with Amanda, Ben, and my Mother-in-law, who leaves tomorrow since coming in August.  We stayed in town after not only a wonderful Homecoming celebration with the people of St. Matthew’s, but also after probably one of the worst sermons I have heard in years.  I only wish it were not mine, but it was.  So tonight’s gratuitous picture is of Ben and I outside the Fudge Shop (ALWAYS capitalized in Indiana)  He and I were goofing off as I was trying to forget.  It clearly has not worked!!

But more than anything, I am glad to be back.  I will have a pretty great post for everyone tomorrow, so please check back in……but until then, I am off until tomorrow!

Thanks for your patience….Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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