Goodbye for now……

Yes, this was the picture right before he left for school.  My mother-in-law, better identified as Ben’s “Nanny,” not in the nanny sense, but in the Kansas grandma sense, left to return for Kansas after an almost 3 month stay.  And I need to confess that it was hard on ALL of us.

In all honesty, she came here about a month earlier than she had planned, and she came to help out amidst a situation for which we needed help.  It was truly a Godsend too.  But we never asked her.  She asked us if she could come early, and she even gave up a planned vacation to do so.  It was an unbelievable gift to us, and it made all the difference.

But more than that, during that last hug, she encouraged me to keep moving ahead.  It was more than significant, in that she and I actually said goodbye twice….she passed on the same thing both times.  I am not a moron, at least most of the time, so I really did pick up the message.

The fact is, she is devoted to us and to her family as a whole.  No one likes to have problems or struggles, but when they do it is always a blessing to see people step up and support you, particularly family.  And I will be eternally grateful for all she has done for us…and in fact, knowing her, I am sure that it is not done.

So by now she is close to Kansas, where she will spend the next few months with HER Father-in-law, and help him.  I am sure she will have fun.

But here, we will miss her, and here we will continue on.  Oh yes, we KNOW she will return, we just do not know when.  But we are thankful for her in our lives……and even as the son-in-law let me confess….YES, even me.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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