Lacrosse and a new era……….

With Head Coach Jack Russell

Today has been one heck of a day.  I had been waiting for it for quite some time, but I really did have many mixed emotions about its arrival.

Tonight I attended the varsity women’s lacrosse game of Noblesville High School (where I was the Head Coach before retiring to be able to watch my daughter play in college) and Westfield High School who throughout my career I enjoyed beating on many occasions.  But tonight was different as the new Head Coach of Westfield High School was my former Assistant Coach and Head JV Coach Jack Russell.  He was and is one of the finest coaches and human beings I have ever known, and it meant the world to me to go out and shake his hand on HIS field.

With Maddie Russell

Oddly enough, the young woman in the helmet is Jack’s sister Maddie, who is the starting goalie for Noblesville.  She is a senior and she, along with the other two ladies, Christa Karns who is in uniform and Lauren Beck who is not suited up as she is injured, were just coming into the program in my last year.  Maddie has continued to develop into a remarkable goalie and will be playing college next year. Christa, who played goalie back in the dark ages (yes when I was coaching) now plays defense and takes some of the draws (face offs) too.  I loved her in goal, but she was outstanding as a field player.  It was really great.  And Beck (Lauren), well she is just Beck, and I was sorry she was injured and I could not see her play.  She and Christa came out in MIDDLE SCHOOL and used to practice with our Varsity.  But she was a talent then, and a real go getter.  I will make sure I see her play as soon as she heals from that knee injury.

The new Noblesville Coach is Veronica Mitchell who used to coach at Cathedral High School, and in my recollection I never once beat her.  She is a very talented coach, and unbelievably nice.  She knows the game and is great a developing players, and that was evident watching Noblesville play.  They are very blessed to have her, and they are a solid team.

With Christa Karns

In the end, although the game was tight, the Shamrocks won by one in the final minutes.  And although the team I had coached for many years lost, and it saddened me, I was absolutely elated for Jack.  You know, I have been around for a lot of years, and coaches like him just don’t come around that often. He introduced me to his team before the game, and I let them know they had one of the best coaches in the state.  I believe it, and so should they.

With Lauren Beck

You see, leaders lead, and good coaches bring out the best, and sometimes even more, in their players. Neither Jack or I ever played women’s lacrosse (for obvious reasons) but playing experience doesn’t always translate into coaching, especially good coaching.  Because beyond fundamentals lie the concept of heart.  Team, heart, and conviction win more games than theory.  He’s got what it takes, and oddly enough he helped develop all the girls in these pictures as well.

Someday perhaps we will coach again together.  I would love that as it would be a great honor.  Or perhaps we will meet someday head to head, as Steph is graduating in May and I intend to come out of retirement somewhere for a high school or college.  But tonight I will just enjoy being a part of what I saw tonight…..great game, great players, and great coaches.  I couldn’t ask for more!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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