The Night BEFORE Surgery….

Yes, tonight is the night BEFORE surgery for Ben.  Tomorrow morning he will have his tonsils and adenoids removed AS WELL AS tubes installed in his ears…..he needs it all.  He has tons of ear infections, he cannot hear, and hopefully this will solve his, other than that early bedtime thing.  He is not looking forward to the surgery, but seems strangely drawn to the fact that he gets to eat ice cream all the time for a few days….go figure.

And STEPH will be home tonight around midnight, so she will go with us to his surgery.  Ben is very excited about that, and in all honesty I think Steph is too.  All the kids are pretty tight, and if it was not on her break, she would just worry.  We didn’t schedule it for her break for her though, he just doesn’t need to miss any more school if he doesn’t need to.  So they have no school tomorrow anyway, and there is a chance that he could be fine by Monday when they return.

PLUS…..we were not having REAL Thanksgiving on Thursday anyway.  We instead were having FAKE Thanksgiving.  We figured if Scotty couldn’t be here, we would celebrate our family Thanksgiving a day or two after Christmas when he is home on leave.  I know one of his buddies had his Thanksgiving BEFORE he shipped.  So I know we are all looking forward to that anyway.

But Ben is out having Mac and Cheese at Panera right now with his mom.  He may have something else when they get home, but nothing after midnight.  We do ask however that you keep him in your prayers.  He is just a little guy and this is a big thing.  We know he will be scared AND I KNOW that Amanda will be a MESS!  Pray for her as well.

But for now, that’s it.  I am getting ready for the return of Ben and the arrival of Steph and Kara…..good times!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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