Happy Thanksgiving……..

Although neither Ben or I are feeling well….he has lost his tonsils and adenoids and is running a fever, while I am just running a fever as well, we DID manage to get out into the yard today and slide the flagpole into it’s base.  It took ALL OF US (Amanda, Steph, Kara, and myself) to lift it into the hole, but it looks great and it made a Thanksgiving I wasn’t able to participate in as I wanted, all the better.

And…….as this was something that Scotty had requested, it was fitting to put it in the ground on Thanksgiving.  We hope to raise the flags over the weekend, and we will leave them up so that the US and USMC flags are the first things he sees as we pull into the drive.  He serves one and he earned the other.  And it was a very honorable request for him to make.  I didn’t want to disappoint him.

But with that, I am worn out and hoping that I can turn a corner sometime tonight.  More importantly however, we need Ben to.  He needs to DRINK, but he is a pretty stubborn soul.  Please pray for him to get better.  I can deal with myself……but I worry about him.

ALSO, please pray for my wife.  She was up all night before the surgery worried.  Last night and today, with me unable to take care of Ben in case I was contagious, she took care of him by herself.  She is exhausted.  Pray that she can make it through this.  And pray that I get better as well….THAT would be a big help!

But Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  We are not as happy here as we want to be, but we ARE thankful!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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