It’s RAISED…………..

Finally…..the one thing that our son Scotty wanted to have at home, a flagpole.  And this afternoon, after months of hard work and planning, his little brother Ben, dressed in his REAL USMC cammies, (with the name TIRMAN on it just like his brother’s) raised both the US Flag and the USMC Flag in honor of the brave men and women who stand in harm’s way for our great country everyday!

It was a humbling request from our son Scott as he left for boot camp.  He is still there and we rarely get to hear from him, but the flags will be the first thing he sees when he returns home for leave in December.  It has been a BIG project and it is a BIG flagpole (30 ft) and had BIG flags (US- 8×5 and USMC 3×5)  AND, it looks spectacular, although nothing will compare to being on base and seeing all those young Marines graduate!  It will be a high honor for sure.

I want to encourage ALL OF YOU to SHARE this blog post with anyone you can.  These flags fly for all Americans, and especially for our US Marines…..the ones who have served, for those serving, and for those to come…like our son Scott……and someday perhaps his brother Ben.  We are proud to have them wave in our yard, and they will fly 24/7 and 365, as they have been designed.  It doesn’t matter who is political control, or anything else….we are proud to support the brave men and women who serve and who have served.

On this Thanksgiving week, we have A LOT to be thankful for.  As for us, we will witness to that by flying our flags proudly.  We will see our son Scott in just 26 days….and he will be a US Marine.  We will be thankful for that…..just as we will be thankful for all who put on the uniform of our country and serve.  Thank God for them all!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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