Hitting the wall………

If life were only easier.  We were hoping that Ben would be able to return to school tomorrow, but he is still struggling with his throat.  It is hard on him, and it is also in my mind completely unnecessary.  Healthcare has changed so much and the sad part is that there are often innocent victims of these changes…..and currently one of them is our son.

In the “old days” he would have staying in the hospital getting hydration and pain meds.  In these modern times, they just send you home.  Little kid’s throats HURT.  They struggle to take the meds, they struggle to drink, and in the end they suffer.  And in my mind there is no more logic in taking out tonsils and adenoids and sending a kid home who can’t really understand it all in just a few hours, than to send a newborn and its mother home just around 24 hours after giving birth.  Sure, it saves SOMEONE some money, but when in the world are we going to start to care about people before money?  It is more than just putting the cart before the horse….it in all honesty is just plain nonsense.

And no, I am not asking for someone else to pay for our child.  What I am saying is that care decisions need to be made by doctors and their concern for patients……not bureaucrats.  What’s going to be next? Are we heading to “code rooms” where if you code we wheel you there as moving all that equipment to the person who is coding is not as efficient?  I know, it seems ridiculous, but then again so does making people suffer unnecessarily 

So 5 days in and he is now miserable again…..and what is worse is that he doesn’t understand.  It’s not our doctor’s fault, or the surgery center’s fault…..they have all been great.  But the system is a mess.  And the sad part is that these are just tonsils and a little kid.  What about the big things?  God help us!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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