Misery loves company……..

Oh sure, I expect that when regular readers read this title they will figure that Ben is still struggling with his tonsil surgery and that this is about him being miserable.  And although it is true that he is still struggling, this post is actually not about him at all.  This post is about my meeting today with Father PT and our time together at the Golden Corral.

And no, our meal was not bad, nor was the company.  But I was there in a Chicago Bears’ jersey and PT was wearing a Notre Dame hat.  We are like twins in that regard….life long fans of Notre Dame, the Chicago Bears, AND the Chicago Cubs.

But there was an old man at the Golden Corral and when I say old, I mean he was in his 90’s.  And he was wearing a Notre Dame hat AND he kept looking at my Bears’ jersey.  And as we were leaving, we finally talked…..first about my jersey, then about PT and his hats, and then about the teams.  He too was a big fan and I realized that PT and I were not twins at all…..we were triplets!

But the big surprise came in his sharing that he had been a Cubs fan for OVER 90 YEARS, and I was suddenly filled with remorse.  I have struggled just a little over half that and I act like a big martyr about it.  But my brother, we will call him Moses or Abraham or something, now HE HAS REALLY SUFFERED.

When I am in my 90’s and he is long gone, I wonder if I too will be as disappointed as he was….perhaps so.  But in the end, it was pretty cool to get to meet him and I hope we run into him again.  Misery does love company, and our misery is of the best kind.  I was blessed to meet him, and I hope he is at home tonight feeling the very same way!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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