Updates on an important weekend……..

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned…..it has been a few days since my last blog entry.  I will not make excuses, as to live it this way was clearly my choice.  But hopefully in reading this you will understand.

Friday was both a very busy day and a good one.  It was ALL with family, although in two different settings.  I began the day with the funeral of my Uncle Phil for which I officiated.  Fathers PT and Kim assisted in the service and it was very nice.  Sure, it was difficult in a lot of ways, but I was really honored to be a part.  Phil was a great guy.  I then was able to spend some time at my Aunt’s house with our family.  It always amazes me how the thought comes to mind about how great it is that we are all together, yet that rarely happens anymore except in times like these.  But my mind is often taken back to all these now adults, including me, who used to sit at the “kids’ table” at our grandparents and eat together.  I thought that it would look a lot different now as most of those at the adults table have passed on.  But I valued my time there with those who are still here.  Family is family, and hanging with them at any age is a great privilege.

After saying my goodbyes, I hopped in my truck and drove to Missouri where Stephanie’s team played at 7pm.  (8 our time)  I was able to make it, and the big thing was that Scotty was able to see her play and spend some time with her.  Sadly, it was not a lot of time, as Steph and the team hopped on a bus shortly after the game for three games in Florida this week.  Yes, it was short, but sweet, for a small bit of time we had all three kids together.

And of course that points out my moronic behavior.  You would think that a dad who KNOWS what a rarity it is to have all three of them together, might, I don’t know, take a PICTURE OF THEM ALL. But no, I missed out tremendously.

There are two things I want to point out about these pictures, and really both things deal with one of them.  The first point is that the beautiful young lady standing behind Scotty is our future daughter-in-law Kenzie.  And the second is why she is in the picture.   You see, Scotty ALWAYS asks people if they want him to take a picture for them, and he generally does.  But as he does he also switches the camera, taking tons of “selfies” too.  Yes, this was my camera…..no big deal.  But he does this to everybody, including perfect strangers.  Had she not been in this one, I could have thrown it out as I NEVER LEARN and always hand him my phone.

But we are home and Steph is in sunny Florida.  Scott took Kenzie back to IU and he returns to California tomorrow.  Ben still has to go to first grade too.  But it all seems to end as quickly as it starts.

Anyway, I am posting this in the morning FOR TODAY, as I am swamped with stuff I need to get done and I would like to be free tonight to chat with Scotty before he leaves.

But today I am thankful for my family, all of them.  It has been a hard week, but seeing everyone helps us through.  We are all truly blessed.

Have a great day and God Bless!


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